Dear friends and members of the AESOP Thematic Group on Ethics, Values and Planning,

we want to inform and involve you in the planning of future activities.


  1. AESOP CONGRESS (July 2024)

The thematic group will be present at the AESOP congress with a track on Inclusion: Planning for Fair, Plural, and Welcoming Cities. Deadlines are approaching. Check this link for further information: We hope to see you in Paris!


  1. SPECIAL ISSUE – Call for abstracts (10.01.2024)

Building upon the recent annual conference that took place in Dortmund (September 2023), we have launched a call for papers for a special issue on “Exploring Conformorality in Planning Debates: Perspectives and Implications” to be published in TRANSACTIONS (the open-access and scopus journal of AESOP). Check this link for the call:



Soon, we will start planning new activities for the new year. As usual, you can suggest topics and articles for discussion during an online event. Do you have an idea? Please write it down at this link:

If you are interested in contributing to the group activities, please contact us anytime.