Remember PlaNet, the listserve used by planners worldwide to share news, self-promotion, and ... hm ... jokes?
Because of the latter, PlaNet was discontinued two years ago. But now, PLANETNEW has commenced some weeks ago.
If you are interested in international conversations on planning, please read carefully Professor Talen's message below and apply to become a member!

Dear former member of PLANET:

PLANET is being reconstituted as a Google Group called PLANETNEW.

To join, click this link:!forum/planetnew/join

Our email list is incomplete — we ask you to please share this link with others who might be interested.

— Emily Talen (with encouragement from Dowell Myers and Ben Davy!)


By registering to join PLANETNEW, you have accepted our invitation to join in a free and open exchange of ideas, opinions, and information on planning.

The quality of this exchange depends on our members, and we have three simple rules:

  1. Please keep the material related to planning.

  2. Please do not use aliases or anonymity in your postings.

  3. Please be professional and respectful at all times. It is important to keep in mind that this listserve is comprised of individuals with diverse backgrounds and expectations.

Moderation of this list will be very limited. We will only get involved (i.e., a warning or removal from list) in the event of personal attacks or other gross abuses.

Professor Talen's message has been posted by Ben Davy (29 January 2019)