Oliver Frey and Florian Koch (eds.), Positionen zur Urbanistik II: Gesellschaft, Governance, Gestaltung. (Positions of urban studies II: Society, Governance, Design). Berlin-Münster-Wien-Zürich-London, LIT-Verlag. 2011, 408 pp. ISBN: 978-3-643-50246-9.

The second volume of the series “Positions of Urban Studies” contains 18 contributions from sociologists, architects and landscape architects, urban and regional planners, geographers and journalists. The book focuses on ongoing urban transformations in Europe and its consequences for the interdisciplinary field of urban studies. Especially the interplay between urban design approaches and the societal and political changes on urban, regional, national and supranational level are seen as big challenges for urban studies. Besides the different research findings which are published in this book, the editors also invited well-know scholars in the field of urban planning like Klaus R. Kunzmann, Marie-Pierre Lefeuvre, Jens S. Dangschat, Alain Thierstein, Sybilla Zech and Friedrich von Borries to join a virtual expert dialog on contemporary aspects of urban studies.